Please ensure you have previously installed MotorLab before using the update. For a new install please see the Downloads page
Step 2:
Use the Linux terminal to install the packages.
Details below:
1. Open the file browser and move / Copy your newly downloaded file from Step 1 (MotorLab_2022.2.0-1_amd64.deb) the Linux files location.

2. Open the Linux terminal window for entering commands. (Linux Apps > Terminal)

3. Type or paste the following command into the terminal to move the downloaded file to the MotorLab subfolder:
mv MotorLab_2022.2.0-1_amd64.deb MotorLab
4. Navigate to the MotorLab folder:
cd MotorLab
5. Use the following command to install the new .deb file.
sudo dpkg -i MotorLab_2022.2.0-1_amd64.deb
6. The updated MotorLab app (lightbulb icon) can now be found in your applications menu under "Linux apps" (or just search for MotorLab).